lørdag den 31. maj 2014


I have since I was 13 I think, been writting poems and some few songs. I have been writting them to come out with some of thouse feelings that I didn't know what to do with. I started to write in dansih, but now I'm only writting in english. Why? I don't can say other than it just feels better to write in english. But I have now got that idear to release some of my poems. And thats why I have made this blog. I want to share my poems to other so that they can see, taht they are not alone with some of these feelings. I also do it so that I maybe can get some respons on my writing, which would be cool. 
But I may mention that these poems are very personal. And I have written the most of them when I was depressed and upset. 

Here is one from d. 27/03/2014

When things touches my skin, they burn like hell.
I want to say kill me, 
but in the end I just want my sorrows to go away. 
My life is a mess, 
just because I can't control my feelings. 
I thought that I could, 
but after some years, 
it seems that they where not under control at all. 
And I keep seeing things,  
which seems  very different then I thought. 
I feel so helpless and so non understandable. 
Just like 
I'm just looking at my life going in another direction than I want, 
but I can't do anything else than watch.
I'm loosing control. 
I'm loosing my grip. 
I don't know what to do, 
Maybe I should just let it glip.

I will put more poems on from time to time.
I hope someone will read them.
Peace :)